
Public Act 471 of 2008 was officially recognized by the Secretary of State's office on January 9, 2009. This amends the Public Health Code to provide for the licensure of massage therapists. This bill was effective on January 9, 2009.

Once the Board of Massage Therapy has been appointed, the Department of Community Health, in consultation with the Board, will develop administrative rules that establish the minimum standards for licensure.

Applications for licensure and the actual issuance of licenses can not begin until the rules have been developed and formally approved. This process can take 12-18 months. At this point, we expect to begin the application and licensure of massage therapists no earlier than January 2011. Periodic updates will be made to this website as the program progresses.

If you wish to receive an application for licensure, you can submit your name and address to us at at any time.

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World Massage Festival * * 336-957-8997