World Massage Festival &
Massage Therapy Hall of Fame

August 1-5, 2021
Planet Hollywood
Las Vegas, Nevada

Our Mission Statement: To honor those who built the bridges for our profession,
to educate the general public about massage, to educate therapists
about different types of massage and to have fun.

Til Luchau
2015 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame Member

Til Luchau is a lead instructor and the Director of With a diverse background that includes manual therapy, somatic psychology, transformative education, as well as organizational and leadership development, Til's ability to connect interdisciplinary, big-picture ideas to practical, real-world applications has made his talks, trainings, and events popular worldwide.

As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, for 20 years Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®. He served there as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program, where in the early 1990's he originated Skillful Touch Bodywork (the Rolf Institute's training and practice modality). The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 5 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009. His articles have been published in numerous magazines and peer-reviewed professional journals in Australia, Canada, Poland, the UK, and the USA. Formerly a resident practitioner at the Esalen Institute, Chair of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®'s Teacher Training Committee, and Adjunct Faculty member of Naropa University's Somatic Psychology Department, he has trained thousands of practitioners in his popular courses at schools and centers in over twenty countries, on six continents. A 2015 inductee into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame, and in 2018 named Massage Magazine's "first Massage All-Star," his private practice is based in the Boulder, Colorado area, and includes manual therapy, health coaching for those with chronic symptoms, and professional consulting, coaching, and supervision with practitioners and teachers from around the world via phone, Skype, and Zoom.

Website: Advanced Trainings

Cervicogenic and Tension Headaches: Advanced Myofascial Techniques

4 CE Hours

Class description:

Not all headaches are created equal. Although working with headaches may sometimes appear to be straightforward, there are many sources of head pain, and what helps with one kind, can actually worsen another.

Join popular teacher, Massage & Bodywork columnist, and “Advanced Myofascial Techniques” author Til Luchau as he presents a clear model for understanding, recognizing, and working with many types of headaches, informed by both recent fascial research and evolving biopsychosocial perspectives. The morning section includes theory; 3D anatomy review, and a toolbox of hands-on techniques for working with tension headaches, myofascial headaches, and cervicogenic headaches (migraines will be further addressed in the optional afternoon section). Includes course manual and credit towards Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques.

Supplies for Class - Massage table & linens


Migraines: Advanced Myofascial Techniques
4 CE Hours

Class description:

This stand-alone workshop gives an updated understanding of migraines, cluster headaches, and a toolbox of hands-on techniques (informed by both recent fascial research and evolving biopsychosocial perspectives) which can lead to dramatic migraine relief and less frequent episodes. Popular teacher, Massage & Bodywork columnist, and “Advanced Myofascial Techniques” author Til Luchau will share some of the latest research on migraines (they’re not vascular!); 3D anatomy review; and multiple hands-on techniques for working with migraines, cluster headaches and other kinds of head pain. (The morning’s "Cervicogenic and Tension Headaches” workshop is recommended preparation, but NOT required for attendance in the afternoon.) Includes course manual and credit towards Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques.

Supplies for Class - Massage table & linens


World Massage Festival * * 336-957-8807

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