World Massage Festival &
Massage Therapy Hall of Fame

July 17-21, 2022
Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Cherokee, NC

Our Mission Statement: To honor those who built the bridges for our profession,
to educate the general public about massage, to educate therapists
about different types of massage and to have fun.

Laurie Azzarella
2007 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame Member

Laurie Azzarella (NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #SA00173, MS #146, FL #50-22757) is the Founder and Executive Director of Reflex-Oil-ogy and has been an Ingham Reflexology Instructor for the International Institute of Reflexology since 1996. She is also a Young Living Essential Oils Diamond Leader and has been sharing essential oils since 2000. Laurie moved from North Tonawanda, New York to Daphne, Alabama in 1998 where she continued to teach in multiple arenas and massage schools on the Gulf Coast sharing her love of Essential Oils and Reflexology.

Website: Reflex-OIL-ogy™

Raindrop Reflex-OIL-ogy
4 CE Contact Hours

The feet are the foundation of the body upon which abundant health, movement and vitality depend. Often times our feet may ache, hurt and generally, "talk to us".

Another body part that "talks to us" is our backs! These two are more connected than you would imagine!

Raindrop Reflex-OIL-ogy Technique is a valuable tool used to alleviate not only foot discomfort, but to also help structurally balance the body as it focuses on the spinal reflex areas as well as the nervous and muscular systems to effect our posture, movement, create balance and alleviate pain.

This four hour CEU class will teach you how to effectively and intentionally apply each of the nine Raindrop Oils onto the appropriate reflexes of the feet as a natural wellness tool to use on family, friends, self and clients. You will leave feeling refreshed, balanced and empowered with a new life time skill, modality and service to offer your clients!